A collaborative blog post
Thank you to everyone who contributed to make today’s post!
I find inspiration in the brief bios that are written by the person I am writing to. It gives me a jumping off point and helps me to tailor my letter to the recipient by mentioning the things that we might have in common. I don’t like “cold” letters where I write to someone not knowing anything about them. It’s a hit-or-miss situation and wastes my resources and the recipient’s time.
On the stairs of the St pierre place for a postcard from Vatican!
Most of my wild and wacky ideas come to me in the shower, so no doubt a few of these have made their way onto paper after being conjured up in the steam through the flow of water and amongst the soap suds.
A windy cold beach on Cape Cod in 2021! I bundled up, sat in my beach chair and wrote two letters before my fingers got too cold. But I remember the exhilaration to this day. – PostMuse
On an airplane! My uncle is an author and excellent letter-writer, and his genius is in telling mundane stories about everyday life in a fun and clever way. I was on an airplane for a work trip and my seatmate was behaving rudely. Not in a major way, just slightly odd. It was exactly the kind of interaction my uncle would turn into a funny anecdote, so during my next layover I wrote him a letter to tell that story.
probably a school band concert – purplecar
I found great inspiration for letters when visiting my uncle-in-law in D.C. I got so many beautiful postcards of cherry blossoms, and that inspired the messages I wrote. Do you get inspiration from the letters you receive? From events you attend? Conversations you overhear?
Want to submit for a collaborative blog post?
Tell us about a gratitude letter you wrote during the challenge and its impact.
Submit by Feb 24