There is a lot of information on, through the pages, blog posts and forums. Don’t know where to start? Here is a list of some posts and pages to help new members, and returning Lettermoians alike.
- Finding Friends: So, you’ve signed up for an account on LetterMo (or logged in for the first time since the new site went live) and filled out your profile, now what?
- LetterMo Orientation: As we all get ready gathering together our stationery, filling our pens, and purchasing our stamps, your admin team wanted to provide this quick guide to finding your way around the LetterMo website. While some of the features on the website are open to the public, many of the more interactive features require you to be logged in.
- Where Do I Begin?: Tips on the art of introductions via letter and rekindling dorment exchanges from the founder of the Month of Letters, Mary Robinette Kowal.
- Mail-in Submissions: One of the pleasures of sending and receiving mail is the physicalness of it–the feel of the paper, the way a pen stroke forms the shape of a letter, the little imperfect quirks of a keystroke on a typewriter, or even the ephemera or art that is included with the letter. We wanted to capture some of that for this blog, so our admin team is inviting you to mail in submissions to be shared on our blog. While these are especially appreciated during the February challenge, we are happy to receive your submissions year-round.
- Forums: Connect with other Lettermoians and your Admin Board year round.
- Resources: Check out the resources page for downloads to help you plan, organize and advertise your participation in LetterMo.