Welcome to LetterMo 2025

Dear Fellow LetterMoians,

It is our pleasure to welcome you to the 2025 edition of A Month of Letters Challenge. If this is your first Challenge, welcome! If you are returning after one (or many) years, welcome back!

What is the Challenge?

Those who commit to A Month of Letters Challenge pledge these two things:

  1. In the month of February, mail at least one item through the post every day it runs. Write a postcard, a letter, send a picture, or a cutting from a newspaper, or a fabric swatch.
  2. Write back to everyone who writes to you. This can count as one of your mailed items.
How many items do I send?

Following the first Challenge pledge, you should mail an item per day the mail is delivered. The number of sent items will vary from person to person, from country to country. There are many ways to complete the Challenge.

  • You may write 28 different people.
  • There are 24 mail days in February in the USA (four Sundays and one US holiday).
  • In Canada, you would send 19 items (4×5 day weeks minus 1 holiday).
  • Some LetterMoians batch-write on the weekend and send during the week.

Following the second Challenge pledge, you should respond to any items that you receive in February. We affectionately refer to this as “March On,” as LetterMoians are often responding to mail well into the start of warmer weather.

Is there official LetterMo stationery?

The LetterMo Resources page contains several printable digital resources for you to utilize over the Challenge:

  • A planning calendar
  • Trackers
  • A 2025 Reasons to Write calendar
  • LetterMo stamps and badges
How do I get started?

Check out our other blog posts about signing up, finding LetterMo pen pals, and participating in our Forums.

If you have any questions, the LetterMo volunteer Admin Board is only an email away at lettermo.contact@gmail.com. In the spirit of snail mail, you may also post us to be featured in a Mail-In Blog Submission.

The clock is ticking, LetterMoians. How are you going to make the most of your month?


LetterMo Save the Date

LetterMo will host two virtual write-in socials on Saturday, February 8 at 14:00 UTC & 21:00 UTC. Social information will be posted in LetterMo Forums and in our private Facebook groups; you must be a member and logged in to access. Depending on interest, LetterMo may host a third social on Saturday, February 22.

3 thoughts on “Welcome to LetterMo 2025”

  1. Yayyy! It’s here!
    Just been out to post number 1. Ironically not a letter, but a hastily wrapped package of a DVD to a regular penpal. I don’t like to count regular replies which I’d write anyway, but count this, as I don’t normally send her a package. (A DVD I told her about and she said that yes please she’d like it…)
    Today the plan is to reply to someone on here who sent me an early Lettermo letter the other day.
    Otherwise I have a list of people to start with – people I don’t normally write to, including an author I recently discovered.
    Mostly I post the letters the day after writing them, as I’m more likely to write in the evening.

  2. Have posted postcards via Postcrossing on the last days, that counts, right? I came here because Postcrossing lured me here. I was a bit too late to get the cards collected on Saturday, but it was in the letter box!

    Have written my first LetterMo-Friend-Letter today, will put it into the letter box tomorrow – no collection on Sundays.

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